Subject: MSR His Dog Author: Albert Payton Terhune Uploaded By: HOST Comp Joots Date: 7/8/2002 File: His Dog.lit (176772 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 16 Equipment: Windows computer or Pocket PC Needs: MS Reader Keywords: His Dog, Albert Payton Terhune, Children's Books "The brute was huddled in a crumpled heap, with one foreleg stuck awkwardly out in front of him at an impossible angle. His tawny mass of coat was mired and oil streaked. In his deep-set brown eyes burned the fires of agony. Yet, as he looked up at the man who bent above him, the dog's gaze was neither fierce nor cringing. It held rather such an expression as, Dumas tells us, the wounded Athos turned to D'Artagnan--the aspect of one in sore need of aid, and too proud to plead for it. Link Ferris had never heard of Dumas, nor of the immortal musketeer. None the less, he could read that look. And it appealed to him, as no howl of anguish could have appealed. He knelt beside the suffering dog and fell to examining his hurts. The dog was a collie--beautiful of head, sweepingly graceful of line, powerful and heavy coated. The mud on his expanse of snowy chest frill and the grease on his dark brown back were easy to account for, even to Link Ferris's none-too-keen imagination." Albert Payson Terhune (1872-1942), was a writer and collie breeder. His stories are full of the joys of having a good dog in one's life. His stories and novels dealt particularly with collies and the unique characteristics of that breed. At keyword: Etext, you'll find thousands of interesting books.